Guadalupe Mountains National Park by SeannPatrickPhotography

Flickr Favorite: Guadalupe Mountains National Park by SeannPatrickPhotography From SeannPatrickPhotography: Photographs taken at Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas. Intense desert mountains with amazing geological features and full of fossils. Check out more Flickr Photos

Sitting Bull Falls, Carlsbad NM

Youtube Favorite: Sitting Bull Falls, Carlsbad NM From YouTube: Natural Springs on the outskirts of Carlsbad, NM. Fun Times 🙂 Shot 110% on GoPro HERO4 Silver. Definitely one of the most beautiful places!!!

Christmas on the Pecos

Youtube Favorite: Christmas on the Pecos From YouTube: This annual event offers river rides on tour boats to view the wonderfully decorated backyards of more than 100 homes along the Pecos.