Travel Guide New Mexico tm Carlsbad Caverns, Carlsbad, New Mexico by travelguidenewmexico


Youtube Favorite: Travel Guide New Mexico tm Carlsbad Caverns, Carlsbad, New Mexico by travelguidenewmexico

From travelguidenewmexico:

Take a turn in the comfortable 56°F climate and behold Carlsbad Caverns’ stunning formations borne out of the earth’s own vibrant imagination. The creation of the caves began some 250 million years ago, when the region was part of a vast inland sea. The caves weren’t occupied until 1,000 years ago, when paleo-Indians first sought refuge there. Visitors today can enjoy self-guided or guided tours, back country explorations, camping and more. The park contains more than 100 known caves, including Lechuguilla Cave—the nation’s deepest (1,567 feet) and third longest limestone cave. Don’t miss The Big Room; it’s the size of eight football fields combined. There are self-guided and ranger-guided tours. Reservations are recommended for Kings Palace, Left Hand Tunnel, Slaughter Canyon Cave, Lower Cave, Spider Cave, and Hall of the White Giant tours. Expect ladder climbs, pool crossings, tight crawls and climbing. Oh, and bats – at dusk between May and October, you can witness 400,000 Mexican freetaile bats take to the night!

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