281/365: Cave Walkabout by pixelmama

Carlsbad New Mexico - 281/365: Cave Walkabout Flickr Favorite: 281/365: Cave Walkabout by pixelmama

Project 365
Friday • October 8, 2010

One of the coolest adventures we enjoyed on our road trip was a to take a walkabout in Carlsbad Caverns. Now you know I’ve been wanting to see bats on this trip and I was denied everywhere I went! Including here! Which is why I made the 80 mile drive to Austin. So, we missed the sunset bat departure … twice … and arrived 10 minutes late for the morning return. We did see some of them return (though not the most impressive part); and we definitely heard them! Very freakin’ cool my friends! If you like bats that is!

So here is a small series of photos from the day. As you can imagine, photographing in the cave was a challenge. I took a lot of ‘junk’ photos, hastily sent to the recycle bin! But amongst all the photos were a few gems. If I hadn’t brought my tripod, these photos wouldn’t have even been possible!

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