Guadalupe Mountain by Kay Martinez

Flickr Favorite: Guadalupe Mountain by Kay Martinez From Kay Martinez: Took a trip to NM in summer 2010. Guadalupe Mountain is always look magnificent. Check out more Flickr Photos

Black River upstream of Crossing by JoelDeluxe

Flickr Favorite: Black River upstream of Crossing by JoelDeluxe From JoelDeluxe: The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has developed a recovery plan for the Texas Hornshell, a native mussel found in the Black River, a tributary of the Pecos River in southeastern New Mexico. For more information click on this link:… Check… Continue reading Black River upstream of Crossing by JoelDeluxe

Pecos Morning by dave.kessel

Flickr Favorite: Pecos Morning by dave.kessel From dave.kessel: Looking off the back porch of our house in Carlsbad, NM Check out more Flickr Photos

Carlsbad NM_5131 by Russell Smiths

Flickr Favorite: Carlsbad NM_5131 by Russell Smiths From Russell Smiths: The Carlsbad Lake is fed by "a thousand springs". Water flows underground from the Guadalupe Mountains to bubble up here. Early settlers recognized the potential and changed the town name from Eddy to Carlsbad to attract tourists to the local mineral springs. They created this… Continue reading Carlsbad NM_5131 by Russell Smiths