Sunset in New Mexico by maia.holmes

Flickr Favorite: Sunset in New Mexico by maia.holmes From maia.holmes: Our evening out in NM on Bureau Land Management, basically public land Check out more Flickr Photos

Guadalupe Peak by Tom Frundle

Flickr Favorite: Guadalupe Peak by Tom Frundle From Tom Frundle: Located near the NM/TX border in an often forgotten part of the state, this peak is the highest point in Texas. Check out more Flickr Photos

Black River upstream of Old Cavern Road Crossing by JoelDeluxe

Flickr Favorite: Black River upstream of Old Cavern Road Crossing by JoelDeluxe From JoelDeluxe: The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has developed a recovery plan for the Texas Hornshell, a native mussel found in the Black River, a tributary of the Pecos River in southeastern New Mexico. For more information click on this… Continue reading Black River upstream of Old Cavern Road Crossing by JoelDeluxe