Christmas Tree NM

Youtube Favorite: Crhistmas Tree NM

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Christmas Tree Cave……… 4/21/2010……………
The sun was out and the temperature in the mid-70s but still the hike up Slaughter Canyon and then 600′ up the steep mountain trail to Christmas Tree Cave was exhausting. Kay hiked up with us but stayed at the entrance while Jerry, Ken, Mark, and I did the 40 foot drop into Christmas Tree Cave. A short distance in we saw and photographed the namesake Christmas Tree formation. The cave contained many large but mostly dry formations. On exiting Kay and I decided to take our time hiking back to the van while Jerry, Ken, and Mark were off to find another cave or two to drop. The prior days of heavy rain had caused many of the desert plants to bloom. The warm sun also brought out a large diamond back that startled Kay as she led down the dry streambed. Kay counted at least 12 rattles as we watched the big snake in his threating posture for several minutes. As we bypassed our diamond backed friend and moved on I trusted he would warn our three companions, as he did us, when they come down the trail in a few hours.